Right now: Can social enterprises be a partner of big business?
We have summarized the results of our survey of social entrepreneurship in Russia.
In the course of the study, 359 social entrepreneurs from 24 regions of Russia, as well as 12 CSR managers of large companies, were interviewed. The aim of the study is to learn about the possibilities of cooperation between social entrepreneurs and big business .We have summarized the results of our survey of social entrepreneurship in Russia.In the course of the study, 359 social entrepreneurs from 24 regions of Russia, as well as 12 CSR managers of large companies, were interviewed. The aim of the study is to learn about the possibilities of cooperation between social entrepreneurs and big business.
"The study is noteworthy not only for the coverage of the heads of organizations with the official status of social enterprises or the assessment of cooperation with them of a large business, but also for the fact that the study was conducted starting from February 22, 2022 and made it possible to measure the temperature of such dissimilar organizations in real and very difficult time, "right now". – says the project manager Alexandra Moskovskaya. - "The work was carried out with the financial support of the RFBR and the BRFFI within the framework of the scientific project No. 20-511-00047 "Investments in social entrepreneurship: barriers and prospects in new conditions (on the example of Russia and the Republic of Belarus)". We will tell you about the results of comparing the situation in Russia and Belarus later."
The eighth issue of the bulletin “The world of social entrepreneurship”
The highlights of the issue
- Analytics of contemporary processes: A. Moskovskaya “When poverty is more important than inequality: shifts and changes of the context”; Yu. Parfenova “Social stock exchanges: the first international experience”.
- Russian news: Continuation of the work on the projected law on social entrepreneurship, the first forum of the All-Russian Association of the Blind, etc.
- International news: World competition of the leaders of social entrepreneurship of Schwab foundation, improvement of the Law on social value in Great Britain and other issues.
- Cases: Social enterprises for city life.
When is poverty more important than inequality?
Article of A. Moskovskaya “When is poverty more important than inequality? The difference of interpretations and the situation in Russia”
This article is a response to recent interview of new minister of Economics of Russia Maxim Oreshkin to Kommersant daily, in which the minister associated lowering barriers for the economic growth in Russia with overcoming poverty and lack of human resources. Alongside, he claimed that the problem of poverty is more relevant to the Russian economy than that of inequality.In her article, Moskovskaya A. offers five variants of response to the question what is more relevant – poverty or inequality, depending on socio-economic and political context of a certain country, the relevance of the Russian situation to each variant is discussed..
The seventh issue of the bulletin “The world of social entrepreneurship”
The issue includes:
- the studies: “They had better not hinder the process” covering the views of international social entrepreneurship leaders about the state (some results of studies, held by the Centre of social entrepreneurship and social innovations of the NRU HSE in 2013-2015)
- Analytics: Presenting the old law to the new Duma (on preparation of the draft on social entrepreneurship in Russia)
- foreign press news: Should the universities have social entrepreneurship on their curriculum?
- News of Russia: A new start to governmental support of socially relevant NCO
- Practical studies: At the European commission they teach state employees to promote the part of citizens in social innovations.
5th EMES International Research Conference on Social Enterprise
Staff members of the Center for Social Entrepreneurship and Social Innovation Studies presented their reports during the 5th EMES International Research Conference on Social Enterprise, which took place on June 30 – July 3 in Helsinki.
‘Social Entrepreneurship Problems in Russia and the U.S.’ Seminar
On March 18, 2015, the HSE Center for Social Entrepreneurship and Social Innovation Studies and Rutgers University held a joint seminar ‘Social Entrepreneurship Problems in Russia and the U.S.’.
Alexandra Moskovskaya: We Need Clear Criteria for Social Entrepreneurship
One of the most important factors in developing social entrepreneurship in Russia is the introduction of the concept into the legal framework. In October 2014 a bill was presented for discussion in the State Duma with amendments formalizing the definition of social entrepreneurship in law. Alexandra Moskovskaya, Director of the HSE Centre for Social Entrepreneurship and Social Innovation Studies, spoke to the Novy Biznes - New Business website about the importance of this initiative and the points that should be included in the law on social entrepreneurship.