Our Publications
Working papers
Dependent and Independent social enterprises: a comparative study of organizations in international perspective
Oberemko O. A., Moskovskaya A. A.
Papers and Presentations. Theme 7: Network management, partnerships and stakeholders. . Centre International de Recherches et d'Information sur l'Economie Publique, Sociale et Coopérative, 2013. No. Workshop 7.d.
The paper is dedicated to organizational dependence – independence of social enterprises (SEs) taking into account their multifaceted nature and complex business models shaping in line with the task of solving social problems at the crossroads of market, not-for-profit activity and state regulation
Development of Professional Associations in Russia: A Research into Institutional Framework, Self-Regulation Activity, and Barriers to Professionalization
Moskovskaya A. A., Oberemko O. A., Silaeva V. et al.
Sociology. SOC. Высшая школа экономики, 2013. No. WP BRP 26/SOC/2013.
Professional associations in Russia are to some extent novices in contemporary professional regulation. Only small part of them can play significant role in enforcement of professional control (representing professional community in front of other stakeholders, adopting professional standards, ensuring market closure, protecting of prevalence of professional ethics etc.). Partially that comes from the lack of experience of self-regulation that professions have in the Russian history and sharp invasion of the global market in the 1990-es, partially that follows tradition of state predominance in economy and society. During the last two decades a mass of organizations arose in Russia calling themselves professional associations, guilds, societies and unions. The task to understand who they are, whether they can and they ought to represent professional community and what are their ways of professional self-regulation became now a pressing practical problem and an interesting research task. The object of this research is mapping the field of variety of non-government organizations that claim institutional control as professional associations in order to clarify the following issues: - What are the main forms of professional associations by their qualitative characteristics - What are their actual means and feasible opportunities to achieve professional control in their field of expertise or at least influence it – What are the main limits of professional self-regulation they dispose and whether there are any alternative forms of professional regulation in certain professional areas
Социальное предпринимательство в России: ключевые игроки и потенциал формирования
Albutova А. I.
Экономическая социология. 2013. Т. 14. № 3. С. 109-132.
In the article, the different approaches to defining social entrepreneurship are presented as well as the results of research dedicated to the emerging organisational field of social entrepreneurship in Russia. While this type of economic activity is institutionally constituted in the US and Western Europe, where there are specific laws and tax privileges, in Russia it has just only started to develop. Its manner of development in Russia depends not only on social and economic factors and historic conditions but on the activities of key players in this emerging field. The expert interviews conducted at the first stage of the research helped the author to distinguish those key players, including the «Our Future» fund, which served as a single source of financial support for social entrepreneurship as the research was conducted: 186 applications submitted to competitions for social entrepreneurs held by the fund over three years are analysed to discover the model of social entrepreneurship promoted by the fund. According to the results, the stability and financial independency of social projects are referred to the key characteristics of social projects supported by the fund.
The professionalization of management
Russian Education and Society. 2012. Vol. 54. No. 3. P. 22-42.
Management in Russia is as difficult to define as a profession as it is in other countries, and the question of what education is appropriate for a future manager is also difficult to define. Business schools in russia need to think more carefully about their curriculums and about what they should be preparing their students for.
Профессионализация через социальное предпринимательство: создание новых компетенций в сфере театральной педагогики
Popova I. P.
Мир России: Социология, этнология. 2012. № 3. С. 80-99.
Constant formation of new spheres of activity, which leads to the emergence of social demand for new professions and increasing complexity of occupational structure, is a characteristic feature of modern society. So, how does awareness of the need for emergence of a new profession as an urgent social problem, which requires an immediate solution, develop? How are the new ways and methods of solving this problem being created, and what are the first steps taken toward developing these methods? What are the main obstacles and possible means (resources) of overcoming them? These issues are addressed in the article based on the example of an independent non-profit organization, created in the early 2000's, whose scope of activity lies at the crossroads of art and education (children's theater pedagogy). The study is based on two main approaches. First, it is reviewing the process of establishment of a profession through professionalization; second approach emphasizes particularities of the practices of social entrepreneurship. This article presents results of the research, which was conducted utilizing the case-study method within the project "Study of models of social entrepreneurship in Russia". It examined conditions and stages of implementation of its main objectives of an independent non-profit organization - professionalization of children's theater pedagogy through organization of professional training of specialists in this field, analyzed main obstacles on the way toward achieving its goals: bureaucratic, as well as social (related to the willingness of society to perceive the problem) and psychological (related to peculiarities of conducting business among professionals).
Социальное предпринимательство в России и в мире: практика и исследования
Под редакцией: А. А. Московская
М.: Издательский дом НИУ ВШЭ, 2011.
Social entrepreneurship is a new phenomenon in the Russian practice. This is the first Russian publication that represents the practice of social entrepreneurship in Russia and in the world considering of its diversity and research potential. The book summarizes the information related to the development of social entrepreneurship in different countries, as well as advanced research in this new field, and describes in detail the activities of eleven foreign and four Russian companies which represent different practical aspects of social entrepreneurship. The annex contains a brief description of the data acquired by the pilot research project on social entrepreneurship, which completed in 2009 with in partnership with the Russian Microfinance Center with support from Oxfam (UK). Identifying and studying the Russian practice of social entrepreneurship was made possible by cooperation of the authors with the Foundation of regional social programs “Our Future” (Russia). Information on the international case study is based on the data from scholarship of Ashoka foundation, a global organization supporting social entrepreneurs.
This book can be useful for researchers, teachers and students specializing in management,
sociology, institutional economics, and the theory of entrepreneurship, as well as business practitioners.
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